From Humble Beginnings to Innovative Solutions

Our journey is a testament to the power of a simple idea transformed into a thriving enterprise. Our story began with a vision to revolutionize the pharmaceutical supply industry for healthcare professionals.

Our Values and Culture

At RXN Supplies, we believe in human-centric service. Our team is not just a group of professionals; we’re individuals driven by compassion and a commitment to excellence. Our company culture fosters innovation, integrity, and a deep sense of community responsibility. We’re more than a business – we’re a team that’s passionate about making a difference in healthcare.


The Evolution of RXN Supplies

We acknowledge that growth involves change and adaptation. Learning from each challenge and adapting our strategies to better serve the medical community. Our evolution reflects our commitment to staying ahead in a dynamic industry, ensuring we always meet the changing needs of our clients.

Realizing the gap in the pharmaceutical supply chain that often left healthcare providers struggling to obtain essential medications. We saw an opportunity to create a solution that not only filled this gap but also offered a streamlined, reliable, and cost-effective service.

Where Innovation Meets Efficiency

Our Warehouse, Your Confidence

From the moment you step into the RxN Supplies Warehouse, you’re entering a world of meticulous organization and cutting-edge technology. Our warehouse is designed to ensure that every item is stored under optimal conditions, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of our products.

Safety and Sustainability at the Core

We believe in operating responsibly. The RxN Supplies Warehouse adheres to the strictest safety standards, ensuring a secure environment for our staff and products. Moreover, our commitment to sustainability is evident in our energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and eco-friendly packaging solutions.

Meet Our Team

At RXN Supplies, we are more than just a pharmaceutical supplier; we are a team of dedicated professionals with a deep commitment to enhancing healthcare outcomes. Driven by our passion for improving patient care and our unwavering dedication to service excellence, we strive to provide the best pharmaceutical solutions. Introducing the experts who stand at the core of our mission:

Mr. Nelson Ortas


Mr. Nelson Ortas, the CEO of RXN Supplies, leads with vision and a commitment to healthcare. His entrepreneurial spirit and industry insight have positioned RXN Supplies as a pharmaceutical leader, renowned for its innovative solutions and quality. Ortas’ focus on patient care and strategic growth has not only driven the company’s success but also solidified its reputation. His dedication shapes RXN Supplies’ mission, marking him as a key figure in health innovation.

Mr. Dale E Washington ESQ

Vice President Legal Department

Dale E. Washington, Esq., Vice President of the Legal Department at RXN Supplies, is pivotal in ensuring the company’s adherence to legal and ethical standards. His expertise in pharmaceutical law and regulatory compliance safeguards RXN Supplies’ commitment to quality healthcare solutions and patient safety. Washington’s leadership is key to navigating the complex healthcare regulatory landscape, making him an invaluable asset to the team.

Lisa Nguyen

Chief PharmD

Lisa Nguyen is an accomplished and dedicated professional serving as the Chief Pharmacist (PharmD) at RXN Supplies. With a rich background in pharmacy and a deep passion for healthcare, Lisa has established herself as a leader in the field. Her expertise lies in medication therapy management, pharmaceutical research, and patient-centered care. Lisa’s commitment to excellence is evident in her approach to patient safety and her innovative strategies for improving pharmacy operations.

Mr. Paul Chen

Vice President Asia

Leads our expansion in Asia with a strategic vision, enhancing healthcare outcomes by ensuring access to quality pharmaceuticals. His expertise in navigating complex markets positions RXN Supplies as a trusted partner in Asia’s healthcare landscape.

Mr. Marvin H. Santamaria, J.D.

Vice President Latin America

In Latin America, our Vice President, armed with legal expertise and regional insights, oversees operations. His leadership ensures our operations adhere to the highest standards, enhancing access to essential medications and fostering growth across the region.